A chance internet search in 2011 for a family member steered my attention towards an Australian newspaper article:

‘A Missing Nun – Left the convent in her nightdress’

The Queanbeyan Age and Queanbeyan Observer dated 6 August 1920

Wagga, Wednesday – Much excitement has been created here owing to the disappearance of a nun, Sister Liguori, from Mount Erin Convent. Miss Brigid Partridge (28) is a native of Ireland and came to Australia eleven years ago and entered the convent, taking up the name of Sister Liguori. On Saturday night, July 24, she left the convent in a nightdress, was sheltered at a neighbouring house for the night and had since disappeared. Inspector Durprez today said the police in Wagga have no Knowledge whatever of her present whereabouts.


The newspaper continued:

Sydney, Thursday- following upon the sworn information of the Right Reverend Bishop Dwyer, Mr Camphin, Chamber Magistrate, at the Central Police Court today issued a warrant for the arrest of Brigid Partridge, otherwise known as Sister Liguori, of the Wagga Convent. The information of Dr Dwyer was that Sister Liguori, who recently left the convent, was of unsound mind. The warrant has been handed to the police for execution. It directs the attendance of the accused at the Sydney Lunacy Court.

It was amazing to discover that ‘The Nun in the Nightdress’ was my Great Aunt!



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